Archana Jain is an ardent social activist and is selflessly working since last 3 years for underprivileged children/women and campaigning for the children’s & women rights. She is a very hard working, devoted, sincere, passionate and simple lady who has a strong commitment towards supporting the underprivileged women and children in society. Her ability to manage diverse activities coupled with her realistic approach and courage along with her team has progressed Florian Foundation to incredible heights. She is a Part of Many Other NGO too Trying to Reach out to the Maximum People and Serve the Society With Kindness.
She says You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
Florian Foundation is a non-profit NGO established Bombay Public Trust Act. 1950. (Registration No: E -34998) Florian Foundation was established by a team of social workers who are working in the field of health, education, medical, empowering women and child development , Skill Development, Youth Encouragement , Environmental Projects and Animal Welfare. Florian Foundation works with a view to help the poor community through various welfare activities. We are there for the One who is in Need
Fostering a society wherein women are empowered enough to add value to their family and society; all children are empowered with education and enjoy their childhood rights and creating sustainable and humane society wherein all living being have access to manage their livelihood. Making Sure that Each and Every Individual lives with Pride and Happiness.
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Plan and implement or join hands with government, donors, non-government and other volunteering bodies for implementing, development that fulfill our vision to educate, organize, strengthen the downtrodden communities with total capacities to manage their own development. Also To Support the LGBTQ COMMUNITY and Giving them Equal Rights in the society
Florian Foundation’s honest objective is to be there in all welfare and uplift activities wherever and whenever society needs. Our foundation is to identify and fulfill the society’s basic needs.
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